Carrie quoted in Very Well Fit Article

Connect owner, Physical Therapist and Pilates Instructor Carrie Lamb was asked to give her input in the latest article from Very Well Fit, “9 Exercises That Will Eliminate Your Low Back Pain, According to Physical Therapists.“

Dealing with the persistent discomfort of low back pain can be a daunting challenge, affecting your physical well-being and overall quality of life. Whether from long hours spent hunched over a desk or the strain of an active lifestyle, finding relief from low back pain is crucial to restoring your body's vitality and flexibility. Fortunately, there's a ray of hope in the form of targeted exercises that can help alleviate this discomfort and pave the way for a pain-free existence.

In this comprehensive guide, the author Rachel MacPherson delves into a curated selection of exercises sourced from experts like Carrie and tailored to address low back pain effectively. These exercises are designed not only to target the root causes of your discomfort but also to strengthen and stabilize the muscles that support your spine. Whether you're seeking preventive measures or trying to overcome existing pain, incorporating these exercises into your routine could be the key to experiencing the freedom of movement you've longed for.

Remember, taking charge of your well-being starts with a commitment to self-care, and these exercises are an empowering step in the right direction.


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