Choose PT First

Did you know Colorado is one of 48 states in the country that have direct access to physical therapy? This means no referral is necessary to be seen.  So don’t wait to deal with an injury or pain, give us a call and we can help guide you in the right direction!

When faced with pain, injury, or physical limitations, the natural inclination for many is to either avoid the issue and hope it will go away or seek immediate relief through quick fix treatments that don’t offer a long term solution. While these interventions can be effective and necessary in certain situations, there is often a less invasive and more holistic approach you should consider: physical therapy. Choosing physical therapy as your first line of defense can offer numerous benefits, ranging from reduced pain and improved function to better long-term outcomes and overall well-being.  

Physical therapy focuses on assessing, diagnosing, and treating a wide range of physical conditions. These may include musculoskeletal injuries, neurological disorders, post-surgical rehabilitation, chronic pain management, and much more. What sets physical therapy apart is its emphasis on non-invasive, evidence-based techniques that promote healing, improve mobility, and enhance quality of life.

What’s so special about physical therapy?

Customized Treatment Plans: Physical therapists take a personalized approach to each patient's needs. They are the experts in musculoskeletal issues and are trained to perform comprehensive evaluations to understand your specific condition and tailor treatment plans accordingly. This ensures that you receive targeted care designed to address the root causes of your pain or dysfunction.  Our clients frequently report that we did a more thorough job of assessment than their referring provider.  

Pain Management: Physical therapy offers effective pain relief without relying solely on medications. Therapists use techniques such as manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, modalities (e.g., heat or cold therapy), and education to help alleviate pain and improve your overall comfort.

Avoiding Surgery: In many cases, physical therapy can help you avoid surgery altogether or serve as a crucial part of the pre-operative and post-operative process. Strengthening and preparing your body through physical therapy can lead to better surgical outcomes and faster recovery.

Improved Function and Mobility: Physical therapy aims to restore and enhance your physical function and mobility. Whether you're recovering from an injury or managing a chronic condition, therapy can help you regain independence and enjoy a higher quality of life.

Preventing Recurrence: Physical therapists not only treat your current condition but also work to prevent future issues. They provide education on proper body mechanics, exercises, and lifestyle modifications to reduce the risk of re-injury or the development of new problems.

Cost-Effective Care: Compared to the expense of surgery, missed work, or long-term medication use, physical therapy is often a more cost-effective option. By addressing the underlying causes of your condition, it can lead to significant savings in healthcare expenses over time.

Holistic Approach: Physical therapy takes a holistic view of your health, considering not only the physical aspects but also the emotional and psychological factors that may be contributing to your condition. This comprehensive approach fosters a better understanding of your overall well-being.

Minimal Side Effects: Unlike medication, which may have undesirable side effects, physical therapy typically carries minimal risks. It's a safe and natural way to manage your health.

Choosing physical therapy as your first step in managing physical health issues is a wise and proactive decision. It empowers you to take control of your well-being, reduce pain, improve function, and enhance your overall quality of life. Working with one of our skilled PT’s, you can expect a personalized, evidence-based approach to healing that is focused on long-term health and wellness.

Remember that physical therapy is not just about recovery but also about prevention. It equips you with the knowledge and tools to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle and avoid future issues. Trust us, your body will thank you for it!

Dr. Carrie Lamb, PT, DPT, OCS, NCPT

I am a mover – plain and simple. I fidget, I stretch, I sit on the floor, I make things. I cook, I teach, and I play outside as much as I can. I’m grateful every day that 20 years ago I was accepted into Physical Therapy school.

I found my calling early and have spent my entire career as a curious observer of how we move. Functional, dysfunctional, different, interesting, and outright unbelievable movement patterns spark my curiosity and my creativity. I continue to be inspired and fascinated with the ability of the human body and mind to adapt and change (for better or worse) to meet the demands being placed on it.

I’ve spent many years learning manual techniques to align, lengthen, release, and stretch different areas of the body. What I’ve learned is that they are all useful as long as they help restore MOVEMENT. We are mobile beings and interact with each other and our world through our ability to move. I am passionate about empowering people to optimize their movement and fully engage with the world around them. This passion has given me amazing opportunities to teach locally, nationally and internationally to spread my love of movement. I hope to share that with you too!
University of Colorado, Masters of Physical Therapy 2000
Regis University, Doctor of Physical Therapy 2012
Board Certified in Orthopedics
CoreAlign® Master Instructor
Nationally Certified Pilates Trainer, PMA®


Feel Better. Move Better.


National Women’s Health and Fitness Day